Time is Money: The Architect's Guide to Time Management

Written by Pranav, on 2024-04-17

Time tracking involves documenting the amount of time dedicated to various tasks and projects. For architects, tracking time provides many benefits that can increase productivity, profitability, and client satisfaction.

Time tracking involves documenting the time invested in various professional activities like design, drafting, client meetings, site visits, and project management. While it may seem tedious, time tracking has become essential. Time logs provide data on where work hours are spent, which can help improve efficiency. The metrics also aid project planning to keep budgets and deadlines on track. For clients, detailed time records justify billable hours and invoices.

Beyond hourly billings, time data helps architects evaluate profitability across projects and tasks. By determining the time distribution and costs associated with each part, unprofitable activities can be identified and adjusted. Time analysis also allows for more accurate forecasting and estimates on future work. Overall, adopting a structured time tracking process yields quantitative information that empowers architects to enhance productivity, profitability, and value delivered to clients.

Benefits of Time Tracking

Time tracking allows architects to:

  • Bill clients accurately based on actual time spent on projects and tasks, ensuring fair compensation.
  • Optimize budgets for future projects by analyzing time allocated to different tasks and identifying profitable areas to focus on.
  • Identify inefficiencies and areas of wasted time, such as excessive meetings or task-switching, allowing them to streamline workflows and processes.

By tracking time meticulously, architects gain valuable insights to bill appropriately, estimate budgets realistically, and increase productivity by eliminating inefficient practices. Accurate time data is crucial for architects to manage projects, resources, and profitability effectively.

Challenges of Time Tracking

Time tracking can present some challenges for architects that are important to consider:

  • Forgetting to track time due to getting absorbed in design work
  • Time tracking takes away from actual design time
  • Learning curve to develop the habit and become proficient with time tracking software

The main challenges revolve around forming a consistent habit, managing the time investment required, and overcoming the initial learning curve. However, with the right strategies and recognition of these potential hurdles, the benefits of accurate time tracking data can outweigh the challenges.

Time Tracking Methods

There are several ways architects can track their time on projects and tasks. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Timesheets - Manual recording of time spent on tasks/projects daily or weekly. Simple but tedious and prone to inconsistencies. No real-time data.
  • Time Tracking Software - Automated tracking as you work on your computer. Integrates with project management and billing tools. Provides real-time data and automated reporting, saving time. Learning curve for new software.
  • Spreadsheets - Manual entry like timesheets, but customizable with formulas. Complex spreadsheets can be difficult to manage. Best for simple tracking needs.

The choice depends on the architect's needs and resources. Software offers automation, while timesheets and spreadsheets are manual but require no new programs.

Choosing Time Tracking Software

When selecting time tracking software, architects should consider several key factors:


  • Seamless integration with popular architecture software like AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino is essential for easy time tracking without switching apps.
  • Integration with project management tools like Asana or Trello allows time logging across platforms.

Mobile Apps:

  • Mobile apps enable on-the-go time tracking for architects who work across office, job sites, and client meetings.
  • Offline syncing ensures time entries are saved even without internet connection.


  • Robust reporting and analytics help gain insights from time data, including project costs, budgets, and productivity.

Customizable reports, dashboards, and timesheets by employee are useful.

  • Reporting aids in identifying inefficiencies, tracking progress, and forecasting resource needs.

Free vs. Paid:

  • Free plans offer fundamental features, whereas paid plans offer enhanced features and greater flexibility tailored for larger firms.
  • Factors like number of users and projects determine if a free or paid plan is more suitable.
  • Paid plans often offer advanced reporting, integrations, data storage, and customizations.

Top Time Tracking Tools

When choosing time tracking software, architects have several excellent options to consider. Here are some of the most popular tools:


  • Designed for creative agencies and architects
  • Simple time tracking interface
  • Powerful reporting and project budgeting tools
  • Integrates with QuickBooks, Asana, Slack


  • Basic and pro pricing tiers
  • Easy switching between project timers
  • Time entry tagging and categorization
  • Idle time detection and reporting


  • Automated productivity monitoring 
  • Automatic time logging when away
  • Client billing rates calculation
  • Integrations with Asana, Trello, GitHub

In summary, Harvest emphasizes budgeting and integrations, Toggl offers simple and flexible time tracking, while TimeCamp provides advanced automated tracking and productivity monitoring capabilities. The choice depends on the specific needs of the architects regarding features and pricing.

Implementing Time Tracking

Implementing an effective time tracking system requires training staff, developing processes, and setting clear expectations. Here are some best practices:

Training Staff:

  • Explain benefits of time tracking (e.g. accurate project costing)
  • Provide hands-on training on time tracking software/tools
  • Clarify what activities need to be tracked at a detailed level
  • Encourage questions and feedback to refine approach

Developing Processes: 

  • Standardize policies, procedures, codes across the firm
  • Set rules for frequency of time tracking (e.g. real-time or daily)
  • Integrate time tracking into workflows and software
  • Automate repetitive time tracking tasks where possible

Setting Expectations:

  • Clearly explain time tracking requirements to all staff
  • Set adoption/compliance targets, increasing over time  
  • Periodically audit for accuracy and full utilization
  • Link time tracking to performance reviews/compensation
  • Be patient while building the habit, provide support

The key points focus on thorough training, standardized and integrated processes, clear expectations set by leadership, and ongoing reinforcement as the time tracking discipline becomes established across the firm.

Analyzing Time Tracking Data

Analyzing time tracking data helps architects:

1. Identify Inefficiencies

  • Highlights areas where time is wasted (e.g. excessive administrative tasks)
  • Reveals productivity bottlenecks like distractions and context switching

2. Improve Estimates

  • Review past time logs to estimate future project phases more accurately
  • Build database of historical benchmarks to refine estimates over time
  • Ensures projects are not underpriced or overpriced

3. Optimize Budgets  

  • Get visibility into where time is being spent
  • Reallocate time/budgets from lower to higher value tasks
  • Course correct and actively manage budgets

Regular analysis of time tracking reports allows architects to streamline operations, set realistic expectations, and control costs and profitability.

Effective Time Tracking Habits

  • Track time for every task consistently, no matter how small. Make it part of your workflow.  
  • Break projects down into specific tasks like sketches, meetings, modeling etc. for more granular time data.
  • Enter time daily or in real-time. Don't rely on memory from days/weeks ago.

Consistently tracking detailed tasks and entering data promptly results in accurate time data. This allows analysis for improved productivity and profitability. Making these practices daily habits is crucial.

Time tracking is crucial for architects to maximize productivity and profitability. By carefully tracking time spent on tasks and projects, architects gain valuable insights into how their time is used. This enables better planning, estimation, and resource optimization.

Key benefits of time tracking include:

  • Understanding where time is spent to identify areas for improvement
  • Accurately estimating project timelines and costs  
  • Increasing productivity by focusing on high-value tasks
  • Justifying pricing based on real hourly data
  • Automating billing and invoicing

However, time tracking requires commitment and discipline. Architects must establish a consistent system and form good habits. User-friendly software can make the process seamless.  

By regularly analyzing time data, architects can continuously optimize their time management and workflows. The visibility provided by time tracking is invaluable for making strategic business decisions. The effort invested in consistent time tracking results in significant rewards of efficiency and profitability.