Guide to Roadway Safety: Understanding Superelevation

Written by Eshwar, on 2023-11-30

Superelevation, commonly known as "cant" or "banking," is a critical construction technique employed in curved road development. It involves raising the outer edge of the pavement above the inner edge, resulting in a specific cross-sectional profile. This method plays a pivotal role in enhancing safety within curved road sections and is an essential aspect of road design criteria.

The meticulous design of a superelevated road requires significant investments in heavy machinery, materials, and labour. When executed accurately, it seamlessly blends into the landscape, often going unnoticed by the average observer. The term "banking" is often used concerning superelevation, reminiscent of the banked track seen in racing speedways, emphasising its significance in roadway engineering.

The Significance of Superelevation in Roadway Safety

In the realm of roadway design, superelevation emerges as a pivotal factor. Its absence can significantly impact safety, particularly on curves, necessitating reduced speeds to mitigate the risk of skidding. When superelevation is lacking, the friction between tires and the road fails to counterbalance the forward motion and centrifugal force experienced on a curve.

The responsibility, however, doesn't solely lie with superelevation. The attentiveness and knowledge of drivers play a crucial role. Freeway ramps and winding mountain roads incorporate guardrails and signage cautioning about upcoming curves, often accompanied by suggested maximum speeds. Notably, warning signs depict scenarios, such as a truck tipping on two wheels, reinforcing the need for caution.

Neglecting appropriate speeds on unbanked curves can lead to various hazardous outcomes. On a leftward unbanked curve, exceeding a safe speed can result in running off a two-lane road. Conversely, approaching an unbanked curve to the right may propel a vehicle into the median or across the center line, endangering oncoming traffic. On multi-lane roads, it could force a vehicle from the slow lane into faster-moving traffic.

The vulnerability of large vehicles to rollover crashes is exacerbated without proper superelevation. Their elevated center of gravity makes them prone to tipping over if they attempt to navigate an unbanked curve at excessive speeds, especially on winding roads.

Moreover, inadequate superelevation can lead to road damage due to poorly distributed loads, resulting in elevated maintenance costs for curved road sections. In essence, the absence of superelevation not only compromises safety but also has economic repercussions in the form of increased maintenance expenses.

How Superelevation Works

Superelevation relies on a complex interplay of physical forces to assist drivers in maintaining speed and safely navigating curves. It involves the interaction of centrifugal and centripetal forces, friction, inertia, weight, and velocity. These factors collectively determine the necessity of implementing superelevation, ensuring vehicles can traverse curves with stability and security.

Factors Affecting Superelevation

Several factors influence the use and configuration of superelevation, primarily related to anticipated vehicle speeds. The angle of superelevation can impact vehicle movement on slippery surfaces, such as wet or icy roads. Considering snow and ice-prone areas, maintaining a maximum superelevation of 8 percent is advisable.

The type of pavement used also influences superelevation requirements. Rough road surfaces, where vehicles operate at lower speeds, require less superelevation. Additionally, traffic volume, particularly in urban areas with reduced speeds, and the terrain's topography play roles in determining superelevation needs.

Vehicle size is crucial. Larger vehicles with elevated centres of gravity, like trucks and RVs, are more prone to tipping or rollovers on curves lacking adequate superelevation.

Forces in Superelevation

Superelevated roadways balance centripetal and centrifugal forces along with various other directional forces. Centripetal force pulls vehicles towards the inner edge of a curve, while centrifugal force pushes them towards the outer edge.

Newton's Law of Inertia is applicable, highlighting that a curved roadway prompts a vehicle to alter its straight-line trajectory. Traction or friction is crucial, reducing skidding risk by maintaining tyre contact with the road surface.

Implications of Inadequate Superelevation

Without adequate superelevation, safety issues arise during curve navigation. Vehicles face an increased risk of skidding due to insufficient friction to counteract forward movement and centrifugal force. Larger vehicles, with their higher centres of gravity, are particularly susceptible to rollovers on unbanked curves at high speeds.

Road damage, uneven load distribution, increased maintenance costs, and safety risks in various scenarios are all consequences of inadequate superelevation.

Superelevation Terminology

Understanding the terminology associated with superelevation helps grasp its intricacies:

  • Axis of rotation: The longitudinal axis pivots a roadway for superelevation adjustment.
  • Camber or cross slope: a lateral gradient directing water away from the road's surface.
  • Curve radius: The radius defining the curve's curvature, impacting centripetal force
  • Full superelevation: where the entire road segment undergoes superelevation.
  • Runoff length: the distance for transitioning lane slope from level to full superelevation.


Superelevation is an essential facet of road design, ensuring safe navigation through curves. Engineering considerations and technical aspects are fundamental in creating secure and efficient roadways, allowing vehicles to travel swiftly and securely through curved sections, guided by carefully engineered superelevation.